MITANI CORPORATION Visual System Division

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List of ContamiAnalyzer functions

Functions list

Measurement field area, number of fields Camera resolution is automatically updated based on lens magnification.
A maximum of 3,000 fields can be photographed.
Measurement area (form) Rectangular area, circular area, and pitch (specified feed amount) photography options are available.
Measurement categories Particles can be classified into the following categories based on their shapes, colors, and characteristics: non-metal foreign materials (black particles), metal foreign materials (white particles), fiber particles, and other materials.
Automatic measurement parameters Absolute maximum length, diagonal width, area, proportionate circle radius, needlepoint ratio, perimeter, roundness, center, center of gravity, mean brightness, maximum brightness, minimum brightness, center of gravity brightness, etc.
Particle detection processing Noise-reducing filtering, light inconsistency removal and correction, automatic intensity correction, binarization levels (black and white, color (RGB), color (HLS)), morphology processing, removal of particles based on various parameters, etc.
Confirmation and editing of inspection results Photography results map display, individual display of photographic images, thumbnail display of detected particles, editing function for detected particles, measurement results histogram display (classification display), ISO16232 cleanliness evaluation report
Auto-save function Photographic image files (.bmp, .jpeg), detected particle marked images, CSV files containing detailed measurement values
Output functions Export to Microsoft Excel
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